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UpWork (oDesk) & Elance Social Media Marketing Test Question & Answers

UpWork (oDesk) & Elance Social Media Marketing Test Question & Answers are really very important to pass UpWork & Elance test. You will get top score at this skill test exam. If you found any problem or wrong answer please inform me via contact or comments. We will try to solve it in short. This test is extremely valuable to acquire knowledge of this skill. Lets Start test.

Ques: Using which of the following two methods can a company ensure that the proper audience finds their YouTube videos?
Ans: Post links on the company blog to the YouTube videos

Ques: How does a blog directly impact sales of a company?
Ans: It is typically used as the way to disperse company coupons

Ques: What feature does LinkedIn offer for pay accounts?
Ans: Increased abilities to connect directly and send messages to people

Ques: Why is it important to have a company blog hosted on the company web domain versus a third party blogging site?
Ans: Search engine rankings will include hits on the blog as part of the overall website hits

Ques: What is the general purpose of posting a video blog routinely to YouTube?
Ans: It allows the company to drive website traffic to its blog

Ques:  What is a "wiki"?
Ans: Interconnected and user generated knowledge management systems

Ques: What is the overall goal of social media marketing for companies?
Ans: Generate sales

Ques: Why is there no specific definition of what is social media marketing?
Ans: The concept is relatively new compared to traditional marketing and is still being defined

Ques: How do ebooks represent a form of marketing?
Ans: They are often free, include useful information, and direct the reader onto the company which created the ebook for further information

Ques: How can a company convert posts on Twitter to sales?
Ans:  Creating posts which drive followers to their site

Ques: Which of the following would be leveraging both social network and traditional marketing?
Ans: A print advertisement in a magazine which drives people to a website where there is a free trial offer

Ques: How does creating a social network marketing plan differ from a traditional marketing plan?
Ans: The staff requirements and skill sets for social marketing are different

Ques: What are the four P's of marketing?
Ans: Product, Price, Place, Promotion

Ques: How far into the future should a company plan its marketing activities?
Ans: Up to 1 year

Ques: What is another term for "social media"?
Ans: Consumer Generated Media

Ques: What is meant by "Marketing Creative"?
Ans: The content for marketing and its creative aspect

Ques: What does the product portion of the 4 P's of marketing focus on?
Ans: The product or service being marketed to consumers

Ques: How can a company place itself as an expert in a certain area of expertise?
Ans: Actively answer questions in the Q&A section of the site

Ques: What type of status updates would drive visitors to the company site?
Ans: A link to a new press release hosted on the company site

Ques: What is meant by A/B testing in marketing?
Ans: Testing 2 versions of an advertisement to see which elicits the best response

Ques: What is meant by "micro-blogging"?
Ans: Blogs with limited individual posts, limited by character count typically

Ques: What do Connections on LinkedIn effectively represent?
Ans: People and other companies the user is connected to directly

Ques: What is the term adopted for updates posted by Twitter users?
Ans: Tweets

Ques: Which of the following is an easy way to track the website hits of a specific marketing campaign with a link to the company website?
Ans: Creating landing pages specific for each campaign

Ques: What is meant by Brand Management?
Ans: Creating a consistent image for the company

Ques: What traditional marketing technique is YouTube closest to?
Ans:  Television advertising

Ques: What is the ultimate goal of a social network marketing plan?
Ans: Drive potential customers to the company and give them an action item to perform

Ques: What is "guerilla marketing"?
Ans: Marketing which relies on time and energy rather than a large dollar budget

Ques:  How does YouTube serve a dual purpose in social media marketing?
Ans: It can be used as the forum for dispersing company videos, as well as a host when embedding videos in sites outside of YouTube

Ques: What should a company do for commercial advertisements on YouTube in order to maximize their effectiveness?
Ans: Ask the watcher to visit the company site at the end of the video

Ques: What is one measure a company can use to validate the usefulness of its video posts on YouTube
Ans: The amount of views of the video

Ques: How can a company create a forum for dialogue on LinkedIn?
Ans:  Use of Groups

Ques: How is site traffic useful in evaluating marketing?
Ans: Ads can send receivers to a specific landing page, which can be tracked

Ques: Which of the following is an important aspect of creating blogs and posting content?
Ans: Posting at least once a month to the blog

Ques: What style of videos can a company post on YouTube?
Ans: All of the above

Ques: What non financial measure of marketing is important to track?
Ans: Number of impressions

Ques: What is a "vlog"?
Ans: Video Blog

Ques: What should a company post on Twitter?
Ans:  All of the above

Ques: What would the marketing budget section of a marketing plan consist of?
Ans:  The expected costs for each ad campaign based on the delivery method

Ques: What is the method for being linked to other users on LinkedIn?
Ans: Connections

Ques: How often should a marketing plan be revisited?
Ans:  As often as needed in order to revisit the plan of action and revise any new actions

Ques: What place does Pricing have in marketing?
Ans: Different pricing levels can be tested to see what elicits the best consumer response

Ques: Why is it important to post to a blog regularly?
Ans: Keep readers engaged and also gives search engines content to index

Ques: What is meant by the concept of "viral" in social media?
Ans: Social media which is spread to viewers by the consumer, growing in popularity

Ques: How can LinkedIn serve the company aside from social network marketing?
Ans: Job openings can easily be dispersed to qualified candidates on LinkedIn

Ques: What is a "call to action"?
Ans: Giving an advertisement's receiver a specific direction such as 'visit the site'

Ques: What is the main reason traditional marketing will never completely go away?
Ans:  It's proven to work time and again

Ques: What style of blogging would be most effective for building relationships with customers?
Ans: Writing posts about the company and its ups and downs from inside, personalized approach

Ques: What can a company do to offset the cost of running a blog?
Ans: Place ads on the blog which generate pay per click income

Ques: What methods of social network marketing should a company always use?
Ans:  Depends on the company, their product, their audience

Ques: What is a contingency plan?
Ans: A set of actions to be taken if the original plan does not perform as anticipated

Ques: How can a company use the same material for both traditional and social network marketing?
Ans: Utilizing a television ad campaign online as well on their site and sites such as YouTube

Ques: What is "social media optimization"?
Ans: Creating content which easily creates publicity via social networks

Ques: What is meant by the "blogosphere"?
Ans: The interconnected community of blogs via linking to each other

Ques: What is meant by the "blogosphere"?
Ans: The interconnected community of blogs via linking to each other

Ques: What is the character limit for posts on Twitter?
Ans: 140 characters

Ques: Which type of marketing would a company blog be considered?
Ans: Social Network Marketing

Ques: What is a method of marketing on Facebook which can reach several users by spending money?
Ans: Facebook Pay Per Click placed advertisements

Ques: What can a company do on Facebook apart from their page to create a following?
Ans: Use Groups, both company originated and posting to other groups

Ques: What do updates to Facebook status resemble most closely?
Ans: Posts on Twitter

Ques: What should be the length of an effective blog post?
Ans: A few paragraphs

Ques: What is the term used for a person who is receiving updates of another Twitter user's updates?
Ans:  Follower

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UpWork (oDesk) & Elance Social Media Marketing Test Question & Answers Reviewed by ARSBD on July 01, 2015 Rating: 5
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