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UpWork (oDesk) & Elance Lean Management Certification Test Question & Answers

UpWork (oDesk) & Elance Lean Management Certification Test Question & Answers are really very important to pass UpWork & Elance test. You will get top score at this skill test exam. If you found any problem or wrong answer please inform me via contact or comments. We will try to solve it in short. This test is extremely valuable to acquire knowledge of Lean Management Certification. Lets Start test.

Ques : The various kinds of Kanban include:
Ans  :  Supplier Kanban
        In-Factory Kanban
        Customer Kanban

Ques :  What are the three C's essential for Supply Chain Management?
Ans  : Communication
       Customer Satisfaction

Ques : Why did Ford begin to lose its hold in the market?
Ans  : There was a sudden rise in the product variety
       Annual changes in models and multiple colors and options suited the Ford factories

Ques : Which of the following is necessary for the success of Lean implementation?
Ans  : There needs to be a total cultural change in the organization
       The value stream has to be mapped

Ques : Which of the following are true regarding value stream mapping?
Ans  : It is a tool to look at how value flows into and through a process to the customer
     It helps to locate the wastes in the value chain

Ques : Which principle of Lean makes use of spaghetti charts?
Ans  : Value Stream

Ques : Where was the first TPM conference held?
Ans  : The United States

Ques :  Pull System is another name for ______.
Ans  : Kanban

Ques : Which method helps in the optimization of machinery?
Ans  : Total Productive Maintenance

Ques : Cycle Time Reduction is:
Ans  :  the time needed to complete a task within a process

Ques : State whether true or false:

Applying Lean to Supply Chain Management helps to certify the suppliers.
Ans  : True

Ques :  Which of these need not be a feature of Lean metrics?
Ans  :  They should be made keeping in mind the goals of the competitor

Ques : Which of the following losses does not eliminate TPM?
Ans  : Quality losses

Ques : What is the main reason for the occurrence of waste?
Ans  : Inventory

Ques : Which of the following is not done by poka-yoke?
Ans  :     It helps in the optimization of resources in an organization

Ques : What is the function of SMED?
Ans  :  To reduce the changeover in a process

Ques : Who is known as the "father of scientific management"?
Ans  : Shigeo Shingo

Ques :Whom did the four locations on the large board of the Beer Game not represent?
Ans  : The Customer

Ques : Which of the following is not a Lean Tool?
Ans  :Design of Experiments

Ques : Which of the following cannot be considered a waste?
Ans  : Skilled plant workers

Ques : What is the formula to calculate cycle time?
Ans  :  Available work time / Customer required volume

Ques : What does Kanban mean?
Ans  : A card-signal

Ques : For any company to reach a 'level 6' sigma, there should only be _______ defects per million opportunities.
Ans  : 3.4

Ques : What is the similarity between Lean and Six Sigma?
Ans  : Both deliver higher quality of service with greater speed

Ques : Synchronous Flow Manufacturing plans inventory around:
Ans  :  Capacity Constraint Resources

Ques :  The data that does not need to be communicated in a Visual Factory environment are:
Ans  :  work instructions

Ques : What is also known as 'law zero' in Lean Six Sigma?
Ans  : The Law of Waste

Ques : Which of the following is not synonymous with Lean Manufacturing?
Ans  :  World Class Manufacturing

Ques : Who introduced the concept of mass production?
Ans  : Henry Ford

Ques : What is Takt Time?
Ans  : None of the above

Ques : Which of the following is true with regard to Synchronized Flow Manufacturing?
Ans  : It improves the manufacturing system by setting off an increase in operating costs

Ques :  A flexible process is:
Ans  : one which can be reconfigured to give different output for different customer demands

Ques : Which of these features does not describe the features of the Ford system?
Ans  :  Materials do not go from "dock to stock" but from dock to the factory floor

Ques : Who among the following is involved in the implementation of Kaizen?
Ans  : Workers

Ques : How many wastes are identified by Lean?
Ans  : 8

Ques : What is not an advantage of SMED?
Ans  :  It increases elasticity in the process

Ques : Six Sigma processes are implemented by organizations to reduce __________
Ans  : defects in their processes

Ques : What is the main function of Lean?
Ans  :  Eliminating muda

Ques : According to the Theory of Constraints, ______________________.
Ans  : every process or system has a constraint that acts as an impediment in attaining more of its goal

Ques :  _________ means to clear the work area.
Ans  : Shine

Ques :  What are the advantages of applying Lean to a supply chain?
Ans  : None of the above

Ques :  State whether true or false:

Single unit manufacturing cannot be approximated to continuous flow manufacturing.
Ans  : False

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UpWork (oDesk) & Elance Lean Management Certification Test Question & Answers Reviewed by ARSBD on July 03, 2015 Rating: 5
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