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UpWork (oDesk) & Elance Google AdWords Test Question & Answers

UpWork (oDesk) & Elance Google AdWords Test Question & Answers  are really very important to pass UpWork & Elance test. You will get top score at this skill test exam. If you found any problem or wrong answer please inform me via contact or comments. We will try to solve it in short. This test is extremely valuable to acquire knowledge of this skill. Lets Start test.

Ques: Is it possible for you to limit the number of impressions you will allow per month for a particular campaign on Google Display Network?
Ans: No

Ques: Which of the following statements about campaign dates is correct?
Ans: By default, AdWords pre-sets the campaign start date with today's date.

Ques: Why is the Actual cost-per-click (CPC) sometimes less than the CPC you have specified for a keyword?
Ans: Because AdWords gives you the lowest possible price in order for you to maintain your ad's position

Ques: Is it possible to set a maximum CPC (cost per click) at the Ad group level?
Ans: Yes

Ques: State whether true or false.

Given that the cost of the bid is kept constant, a keyword's Quality Score for Google and the search network is directly proportional to its ad position.
Ans: True

Ques: In an Adwords ad, how many characters is the display URL limited to?
Ans: 35

Ques: Which of the following is not a part of the "Tools and Analysis" Feature of Google
Ans:  Google AdSense

Ques: Google AdWords does not accept an Ad copy that includes:
Ans: excessive capitalization

Ques:  At which of the following levels may a daily budget be set?
Ans: Campaign

Ques: State whether true or false.

If your Adwords ad attracts a higher CTR (Clickthrough rate), it will lead to an improved ad position.
Ans: True

Ques: While using Geo-Targeting to target your ad to specific people, which of the following parameters can be targeted?
Ans: The person's country

Ques: The Google Ad placement feature allows you to choose locations on the Google content network where your ad can appear. Which of the following can be selected as an area for the ad to appear?
Ans: An individual ad unit on a single page

Ques: Keyword matching options determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. Which of the following searches could trigger an ad for the keyword "online course" using Broad Match settings?
Ans: Cheap online course

Ques: What does the "Conversions (many-per-click)" value represent?
Ans: Conversions (many-per-click) count a conversion every time a conversion is made within 30 days following an AdWords ad click.

Ques: The term for the number of impressions an ad has accrued in relation to the rest of the active ads within the same ad group is:
Ans: Ad Served Percentage (%)

Ques: What is the AdWords related term for the following?

"The total number of unique users who will be served your ad over a specific period of time"
Ans: Reach

Ques: Which factors are directly impacted by increasing the Adwords ad budget?
Ans: Ad Impressions

Ques: Your maximum CPC (Cost per click) is $0.70. If your ad receives two clicks, one costing $0.10 and the other costing $0.60, what would your average CPC for those clicks be?
Ans: $0.35

Ques: Your maximum CPC (Cost per click) is $0.70. If your ad receives two clicks, one costing $0.10 and the other costing $0.60, what would your average CPC for those clicks be?
Ans: $0.35

Ques: Which of the following statements with regard to AdWords settings are correct?
Ans: Targeting smaller regions through ads results in fewer impressions.

Ques: Which of the following statements about Campaign Negative Keywords are correct?
Ans: You can prevent entire campaigns from showing on a certain query by applying negative keywords to them.

Ques: What is the correct way of calculating the CTR (Clickthrough rate):
Ans: The number of clicks your ad receives divided by its number of impressions

Ques: What is the primary reason for increasing the CPC (cost per click)?
Ans: To increase Ad position

Ques: State whether true or false.

If you run out of characters in your AdWords ad, the display URL field can be used as another line of ad text.
Ans:  False

Ques: What happens when you turn on frequency capping for a campaign?
Ans: It limits the number of times your ads appear to the same unique user on the content network.

Ques: State whether true or false.

Negative keywords cannot be applied to a whole Ad group?
Ans: False

Ques: On which page of the Google search results would an Adwords Ad triggered by a keyword with an Average Position (Avg. Pos.) of 9-16 generally appear?
Ans: The second page

Ques: Keyword matching options determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. Which of the following searches could trigger an ad for the keyword "Online course" using  Exact Match settings?
Ans: Online course

Ques: Keyword matching options determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. Which of the following searches could trigger an ad for the keyword "Online course" using  Exact Match settings?
Ans: Online course

Ques: Which of the following statements about Ad rotation in Google AdWords is correct?
Ans: Rotation may be based on the CTR (click through rate).

Ques: What is the maximum duration for which a Change history report can be generated by using the Reporting and Tools feature?
Ans:  Last 2 years

Ques: State whether true or false.

A CPM pricing model means advertisers pay for impressions received.
Ans: True

Ques: Which of the following statements about Adwords Ad Scheduling are correct?
Ans: It allows you to control the time at which ads should appear.

Ques: Which of the following statements about an Ad group is correct?
Ans: An ad group contains one or more ads

Ques: With regard to AdWords, what is a Placement?
Ans: Any website or other ad position on the Google content network where you would like to see your ads appear

Ques: Which statistic does Google report on to show you how well your campaign is performing in terms of successful conversions?

Ques: In the above ad, how can you make visitors reach
Ans: By changing the destination URL to

Ques: If your keyword is "reading books" and you would like to ban the ad from people looking for downloadable books, how would your keyword be submitted to AdWords?
Ans: reading books -downloadable

Ques: Which of the following statements about the Adwords Ad variations feature are correct?
Ans: Ad variations are a good way to see how different versions of an ad perform

Ques: Which of the following will NOT happen if the view-through conversion window is set to 14 days in the Google AdWords account?
Ans: The view-through conversions that occur before 14 days will be discarded.

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UpWork (oDesk) & Elance Google AdWords Test Question & Answers Reviewed by ARSBD on June 30, 2015 Rating: 5
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